How does Immeasurable Journeys ensure maximum learning and an authentic experience?
Wherever possible we use local guides. This means they not only know the geographical areas and sights extensively but they also have a history of life stories to tell you about on your journey. If language learning is a component of your trip you also receive education from a native speaker.
How does Immeasurable Journeys ensure safety on a trip?
All our staff are emergency first aid trained. We use the international standard of guides for all adventure activities in all countries visited. We have an on call Travel Medicine specialist who can answer questions and give advice throughout the trips as well as pre and post travel advice.
Do I have to be a school group to use Immeasurable Journeys?

No. Immeasurable Journeys welcomes all groups and all ages to benefit from the customized service that we provide.

Do I need to be able to swim if my itinerary includes adventures on water?
No. Many water based activities do not require a high level of swimming ability as you will be wearing a buoyancy aid. We can tell you prior to booking your trip if swimming ability is required for any of the activities. We will always comply with the levels requested by the companies providing the activities.
What sort of transportation can I expect to use on a trip?

We desire to make your travels as safe and as comfortable as possible. Whether on planes, trains, buses or boats. We use companies with high standards of safety, a good track record and a comfortable environment.

Will I have to 'rough it' on the trip?

Going on an adventure doesn’t have to be at the expense of comfort. We endeavor to book accommodation that is comfortable and clean. You will be informed of all accommodation plans; therefore, there should be no unwelcome surprises! If a village stay or trekking is part of your trip you may be staying in local homes or tents. These trip components will be well explained before you book your trip.

What if someone in the group has a food allergy?
All food allergies/special requests can be voiced while filling in your trip forms. Any special food requests will be considered and alternative options will be provided. We do not want anyone in your group to go hungry!
How do I know what to pack?

Once you have booked a trip with us, you will have access to full trip information and pre trip planning through your own personal login page. Here you will find helpful information including a full packing list and pre trip health advice.

Our group would like to discuss a potential trip with you; how can we do that?

We are happy to talk with you and/or your group over the phone, internet or even meet face to face when possible.

If you desire to meet up with us to discuss the details of a trip or for us to visit your group to speak to them about who we are and how they can prepare for their trip then let us know and we will try to make this happen.